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Upgrading an Existing Installation

An upgrade can either consist of upgrading the Lime side of the integration or the on-premise Syncify service, or both. Defining a checklist for an upgrade can therefore be a bit hard. The below should therefore be regarded as a guideline rather than a checklist. Also, the installation instructions should be read and used to relevant extent.

  • Investigate which side(s) of the integration that should be updated.
  • Syncify will manage the update for both their on-premise and services. Any upgrade on Lime side should be communicated with Syncify, so they can react accordingly.
  • Check that all the current requirements are met. There may be new requirements since the last installation was made.
  • If the previously installed version is of an earlier major version, check the section below for special instructions for your version bumps.

Upgrading to a New Major Version

When upgrading from a very old version of the ERP Connector, the following field might need to be added to the invoice table.

Database Field Name Field Type Length
currency Text field 32

Upgrading to v9.9.y

Add this field to the invoicerow table:

| Field | Field type | Invisible | Required | Default Value | NULL is permitted | Readonly |
| position | Integer | False | True | 1 | True | True |


| Swedish | English | Danish | Norwegian | Finnish | German | Dutch |
| Position | Position | Position | Posisjon | Asema | Position | Positie |

Upgrading to v9.x.y

With version 9 turnover and sales trend calculations have been moved from SQL expressions to a scheduled task. Refer to the configuration page for more details.

  1. Remove the SQL expressions from the company.erp_turnover_lastyeartodate in Lisa.
  2. Remove SQL on_update expressions from the following fields in Lisa:
    1. company.erp_turnover_lastyear
    2. company.erp_turnover_yearnow
  3. Add the company.erp_salestrend and company.erp_ytdgrowth properties by running the LIP package or the addon installer.
  4. Rename the username of your erpsync user to erpsync@lime.
  5. Select the erpsync@lime user as the Sync user in Lime Admin.
  6. Enable scheduled task in the application config.
  7. If on-premise: Restart the Task Handler service.
  8. If isolated cloud: Deploy your solution with the limepkg-erp-connector updated to v9.x.y. Make sure the erpsync@lime user exists, before you deploy.
  9. Verify after one night that the scheduled task ran by looking for limepkg_erp_connector.sales_trend.tasks.calculate_sales_trend in the Task Handler logs. Kibana query for cloud customers:
    docker.hostname : "taskhandler-<CONTAINER-ID or 'shared'>.1.*" and job: "task-handler" and message : "limepkg_erp_connector.sales_trend.tasks.calculate_sales_trend"

Upgrading to v8.x.y

v8 has a totally rewritten code base and works in a different way than previous versions. It is essentially a new installation. So it is a good idea to go through the installation instructions. Below, the main actions that need to be taken in Lime CRM are listed. Updates are done in co-operation with Syncify. Refer to the installation and configuration pages for more detailed instructions when needed.

Preparation: (For on-premise ERP systems) Make sure the customer has .NET v4.7.2 or later installed on the server where the Syncify sync service is installed. Upgrading .NET is done by the customer or their IT partner. It requires a server restart, which means it is most often performed after office hours.

  1. Add the dependency to the python package limepkg-erp-connector in your solution or update it if you already have it.
  2. Rename the field company.erpid to company.erp_id.
  3. Rename the HTML tab company.erpconnector_graph to company.erp_connector_graph.
  4. Update the SQL on update for invoice.customerid in LISA.
  5. Add new fields. Use the LIP package or set the technical page for which field properties to set.
    1. Add the field company.erp_status.
    2. Add the field company.erp_firstsynced.
    3. Add the field company.erp_errormessage.
  6. Mass update all companies that have a value in company.erp_id and set their company.erp_status to synced. The mass update can be done in either client. In the desktop client remember to change the company.erp_status field temporarily to readonly=False in Lisa first.
  7. Remove old LBS apps and the instantiation from the company Actionpad.
  8. Install new LBS apps and add new instantiation in the company Actionpad.
  9. If you are using ERP Master: Upgrade that to the latest version and move the setting m_sErpSystem from the old ERP Connector VBA module to the new ERP Master VBA module.
  10. Update the VBA module.
  11. If using in Lime CRM Desktop Client: Update the VBA code to instantiate the invoice overview graph.
  12. Delete all localizations from the localize table having the owner addon_erpconnector with the exception of the three having the following code:
    • copypostaltoinvoiceaddress
    • q_overwrite_invoiceaddress
    • i_address_readonly
  13. Delete old configuration from Lime Admin (if any) and reconfigure.
  14. Add the web component to the company card if the web client is to be used.

Upgrading to v7.x.y

Add the field company.erp_lastsynced.

Upgrading to v6.x.y

Add the field invoice.conversionrate. Make sure to handle a migration from the ERP system to fill this field in Lime CRM on existing customers.

Upgrading to v5.x.y

Add the field company.emailinvoice. Make sure to handle a migration from the ERP system to fill this field in Lime CRM on existing customers.

Upgrading to v4.x.y

This version was considered a breaking change since we introduced support for Lime CRM web client. There is no special action that is needed if you upgrade to this version besides configuring it for the web client.

Upgrading to v3.x.y

In major version 3, new fields where introduced (see Changelog. Therefore, upgrading to (or past) this version requires some special care. Updates are done in co-operation with Syncify.

  1. Create new fields in Lime CRM (preferably through LIP).
  2. Follow normal upgrade procedure.
  3. Migrate data to the new address fields.
    • For Visma.Net: Syncify migrates the invoice address in Visma.Net
    • For other ERP systems: Copy Lime CRM postal address to Lime CRM invoice address. This can be done by using the SQL script in the file resources\Upgrade to v3.x.y.sql in the GitHub repository.
  4. Set the new relation between company and invoice row by using the SQL script in the file resources\Upgrade to v3.x.y.sql in the GitHub repository.


If the customer is in the Lime CRM cloud and you wish to use the prepared SQL script, you need to download the database, run the SQL script and upload it again.