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Sales Trend

Lime Admin - Add-on Configuration

It's possible to configure several instances in case the Lime database has several invoice tables. The following properties have to be configured for each instance.



Parameter Values Database type Comment Default
limetypeInvoice String limetype Table name of the invoice limetype invoice
propertyInvoiceSum String decimal Property for the sum of the invoice invoice_sum
propertyInvoiceDate String date Property for the date that the calculations are based on invoice_date
propertyConversionrate String decimal Property to convert the sum to the local currency conversionrate
propertyCompany String belongsto Relation property to company company


Parameter Values Database type Comment Default
limetypeCompany String limetype Table name for the company limetype company
propertyYtd String decimal Property to save turnover from invoices this fiscal year erp_turnover_yearnow
propertyLytd String decimal Property to save turnover from invoices the same period last fiscal year erp_turnover_lastyeartodate
propertyLastyear String decimal Property to save turnover from all invoices last year erp_turnover_lastyear
propertyYtdGrowth String decimal Property to save calculated growth: (YTD / LYTD - 1) * 100 erp_ytdgrowth
propertySalestrend String option Property to save calculated trend: YTD/LYTD. Options: empty, increasing, steady, decreasing erp_salestrend


Parameter Values Comment Default
name String Unique instance name -
fiscalYearFirstMonth String First month of fiscal year (1-12) -
turnoverDecreasingRate decimal Defines the rate for a decreasing sales trend. 0.8 means that a 20% turnover decrease from last year is considered steady, while more than that will turn the sales trend into decreasing. 0.8

Lime Admin - Web Component

Add the following config to the Table view of your Company limetype:

    "component": {
        "props": {},
        "name": "limebb-trend-indicator"
    "property": "erp_ytdgrowth",
    "isDefault": true

Application Config

In order to enable a scheduled task that runs all turnover calculations every night, add the following application config.

For Cloud customers

Add this snippet to your config for your application in Cafe.

    daily_scheduled_job: True

For On-Premise Customer

Add this snippet to your application_config.yaml file and restart the Task Handler service afterwards.

      daily_scheduled_job: True

Environment Config

For the scheduled task on-premise customers can overwrite their environment config to change the username, the language and the task schedule. Below you can see the default values:

            username: erpsync@lime,
            language: en_us,
                hour: '1'
                minute: '10'

Copy this to the config file of the Task Handler service and adjust the values. The daily schedule is described as a Crontab and runs at 1:10AM daily by default. You can find more information on how to configure a Crontab schedule here.